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The Third Dimension is Terror

Obviously the highlight of February was the visit of Jen - it's always nice to have a friend from Dundee visiting and the joy of not...

Wand’rin’ Star (I was a…)

One of my New Year resolutions was to try and update the blog a bit more regularly ie monthly so it should mean shorter but more regular...

Just when you thought it was safe….

Two weeks ago I sat my first language exam since ooh, 1985? My teacher at the school had forewarned me that she thought I might be ready...

Eat less cake

Three simple words but they brought a disproportionate amount of joy to my life. My Duolingo course seemed to go through a massive...

Is it really so bad to say “xxxxxxxxx”?

The school holidays have started. Now there's a sentence I didn't think I'd be writing when I was into my fifties. That being said it is...

What do we say to the god of death?

Let it not be said that Duolingo doesn't prepare you for your average day to day conversation in Norway. You would not believe how many...

Yes, yes, yes, noooooo

As I've written before, my general policy for over a year now has been to say "yes" to everything. On the rare occasion I've said "no" it...

364 days later

Well, here we are, one year after I left Scotland and started afresh in Norway. To mark the occasion I've taken the ferry across to...

January in Dønna

We're just over a month into the new year and suffice to say that my new year resolution of "eat less cake" crashed and burned very...

Iron Man

Godt nytt år til alle! As I write this, we're currently unable to get off Dønna due to the weather. The ferry to the mainland doesn't run...

It happened on the Fv 17

27th November was the 1st Sunday in Advent and this was when the Christmas Tree (Juletre) lights were switched on. Herøy would appear to...

Planes, ferries, buses and automobiles

As I approach my first Christmas in Norway, the diary is getting notably busier with various services, concerts and events. Last week I...

Norsk and I

I continue to work hard on getting to grips with the Norsk language. I do spend time each day either on Duolingo or on my online course...

A blog post without a name

It's been a while since I've written so time to update. It will seem a tad daft but one of the reasons it has taken so long to update the...

Ferien min på Norsk

As promised a while back, here is a post in Norwegian. On my last day in Dundee before heading back to Dønna I had a wee wander round...

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The Organist's Socks

Graeme's adventures in Norway

In March 2022, I upped sticks from Dundee and moved to a wee Norwegian island called Dønna. I am to be the organist at 5 churches over the local islands and I hope to chronicle my adventures here.

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Donnesveien 38, 8820 donna, norway

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